Taking safeguards to protect your house while you’re away on a cruise is essential to ensure your home remains secure and well-maintained. Here are some key steps to help protect your house:

**1. Security Measures

  • Alarm System: Ensure your home security system is activated. Consider upgrading to a smart system that you can monitor remotely.
  • Surveillance Cameras: Install or activate security cameras around your property. Many modern systems allow remote viewing via smartphone apps.
  • Secure Doors and Windows: Double-check that all doors and windows are locked. Consider installing additional locks or security bars for extra protection.

**2. Home Maintenance

  • Lights and Timers: Use timers for indoor and outdoor lights to create the appearance of someone being home. Smart lighting systems can be controlled remotely.
  • Mail and Deliveries: Arrange for a neighbor or friend to collect your mail and packages, or have them held by the postal service to avoid a buildup that signals you’re away.
  • Yard Care: Arrange for lawn care or snow removal to maintain the appearance of an occupied home.

**3. Inform Trusted Neighbors or Friends

  • House-Sitting: If possible, have a trusted friend or neighbor check on your home regularly. They can handle any unexpected issues and provide an extra layer of security.
  • Emergency Contact: Leave contact information with a trusted neighbor or friend in case they need to reach you.

**4. Utilities and Appliances

  • Turn Off Unnecessary Appliances: Unplug non-essential electronics and appliances to prevent any potential issues or hazards.
  • Check for Leaks: Ensure there are no leaks or potential water damage issues that could become problematic while you’re away.

**5. Notify Your Security Provider

  • Inform Your Security Company: If you have a professional security service, let them know you’ll be away. They can keep an extra eye on your property and contact you in case of an alarm.

**6. Secure Valuables

  • Safe Storage: Store valuable items and important documents in a secure, locked area or a safe.
  • Insurance: Ensure your home insurance policy is up-to-date and covers any potential risks while you’re away.

**7. Digital Security

  • Smart Home Devices: Be mindful of smart home devices and their security settings. Ensure they are protected with strong passwords and up-to-date software.
  • Social Media: Avoid posting your travel plans or vacation details on social media until you return. This can prevent potential burglars from knowing your home is empty.

**8. Emergency Preparedness

  • Emergency Plan: Have a plan in place for emergencies, such as a fire or natural disaster. Make sure your emergency contact knows your plan.

Taking these precautions will help ensure that your home remains safe and secure while you’re enjoying your cruise. By preparing in advance, you can have peace of mind and focus on your vacation without worrying about your property.
